
Appendix 1.  Reserved words in Full BASIC

  The following keywords are reserved words, which cannot be used for identifires (variable names, function names, or routine names).

Appendix 2.  Other important instructions

1. Control

EXIT FORescapes from the FOR ~ NEXT. (Similar to EXIT DO)
GOTO line_number    The control is moved to the line with a specified line number.
EXIT DO and EXIT FOR escapes from the innermost DO~LOOP , FOR~NEXT, respectively.
To escape from the outside loop, jumping over the inside loop, use a GOTO statment.

2. Graphics

GET POINT: x, y wait for clicking with the mouse, and substitutes the coordinates of that point for the variable x, y.
PLOT AREA: x2, y2 ; x2, y2; ... ; xn, yn   fills the inside of the area surrounded by a polygonal line connecting (x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (xn, yn), (x1, y1).
SET AREA COLOR n Area color is made n. (Similar to SET LINE COLOR)

Appendix 3.  Major Built-in Functions (only numeric)

ABS(x) Absolute value of x
SQR(x) Nonnegative square root of x
INT(x) The largest integer not exceeding x
MOD(x, y) Remainder when x is divided by y
CEIL(x) The smallest integer not less than x
IP(x) Integral part of x
FP(x) Fraction part of x
ROUND(x, n)   Value of x rounded to n places of decimals
SGN(x) Sign of x. SGN(x)=1 when x>0, SGN(0)=0, SGN(x)=-1 when x<0
EXP(x) Exponential function
LOG(x) Natural logarithm
LOG2(x) Logarithm with 2 as base
LOG10(x) Common logarithm
SIN(x) sine
COS(x) cosine
TAN(x) tangent
CSC(x) cosecant
SEC(x) secant
COT(x) cotangent
ASIN(x) arcsine, -π/2≦ASIN(x)≦π/2
ACOS(x) arccosine, 0≦ACOS(x)≦π
ATN(x) arctangent, -π/2 < ATN(x) < π/2
ANGLE(x,y) Angle formed by a half-line connecting the origin and point (x,y) and positive direction of x-axis, -π < ANGLE(x,y)≦π
TANH(x) Hyperbolic tangent
SINH(x) Hyperbolic sine
COSH(x) Hyperbolic cosine
Random number
RND Pseudo-random, 0≦RND < 1
TIME Time in seconds elapsed from midnight of the day
PI Approximate value of π
MAXNUM Largest expressible positive number
EPS(x) Difference with the number just before x or just after x
MAX(a,b) Larger one of a and b
MIN(a,b) Smaller one of a and b

Appendix 4.   Difference between minimal BASIC and Full BASIC

(1) Lower bounds of array indices

  The default lower bound of array indices is 0 in minimal BASIC, though it is 1 in Full BASIC.
If index 0 is required, write
in the beginning of the program.

(2) Implicit array declaration

  Although minimal BASIC allows arrays to be declared implicitely,
all arrays must be declared explicitly using DIM (or DECLARE) statements in Full BASIC.
